Is the 4-Day Work Week Better? Evidence Points to Yes.


Posted Mar 23, 2023

Reads 10.9K

Selective Focus Photography Cement
Credit:, Selective Focus Photography Cement

Have you ever dreaded the work week ahead? The idea of working five days a week for eight hours or more can be daunting. But what if we told you that there's a better way? Enter the four-day work week, which has been making waves in recent years as more and more companies implement it. And here's the thing – evidence points to it being better.

A study published on the four-day work week in Iceland countries showed that improving employee well-being is possible by reducing work hours without sacrificing productivity. The study was conducted by autonomy researchers who tracked 2500 employees, implementing a 36-hour work week (spread across four days). The study showed that worker well-being dramatically increased with numerous indicators including health and work-life balance productivity remained stable.

Microsoft Japan employees enjoyed four-day work weeks during the summer months and found a significant productivity boost of 40 percent. Lower energy and supply costs were also reported during that time. These results show how a productive four-day work week can prove effective while still allowing employees to work fewer hours.

Revamp Your Business with a Productive Four-Day Work Week

Sale Cards on Beige Background
Credit:, Sale Cards on Beige Background

Are you tired of the old century-long tradition of working for five days a week? It's time for a change! A compressed schedule or reduced working hours can have a positive impact on both employees and employers. The four-day work week is becoming increasingly popular, and many companies are successfully implementing it.

A compressed schedule means that employees work their usual number of hours in fewer days, resulting in an additional day off each week. This may sound like a dream come true for employees, but it also has several benefits for employers. By reducing the number of working days, companies can reduce overhead costs such as energy usage, office space, and equipment maintenance. Moreover, happier and more motivated employees tend to be more productive.

However, implementing a 4-day work week requires planning and communication to avoid any negative impact on productivity or customer service. Employers need to assess their business needs and ensure that all tasks are still completed within the new schedule. Additionally, communication with customers is essential to ensure minimal disruption to services. With careful planning and open communication channels between management and employees, businesses can successfully implement the 4-day work week and enjoy its many benefits.

Mapping Out Success: Establishing Targets and Measures


Mapping out success is critical when it comes to establishing targets and measures for a new reduced-hours program. If you've decided that a 4-day work week is right for your company, Charlotte, it's time to start planning. The first step is to get actively involved in the process and make some critical decisions.

To get started, form a small working group lovingly nicknamed the "employee-driven subcommittee." This team worked on developing the plan and gathering information from case studies. Next, the pessimist committee met to discuss potential problems and challenges that may arise during the transition period. By doing so, we've found that mapping out success is essential to ensure that everyone stays on track and understands what they need to achieve.

1. Questions for employees:

A four-day workweek definitely sounds enticing, but before jumping on board, there are some questions you should ask yourself. Would reduced hours negatively impact your ability to meet the needs of clients and customers? How can you ensure that productivity remains high during eight-hour days? Are there process improvements that could make a shorter workweek possible without sacrificing quality?

It's important to consider all aspects of a four-day workweek before making a decision. While it may seem like a great way to achieve better work-life balance, it's essential to ensure that clients and customers are still receiving the level of service they expect. By asking these questions and finding solutions to potential challenges, employees can help ensure the success of a shorter workweek for both themselves and their organization.

2. Questions for leadership:

As the debate over the implementation of a 4-day work week continues to gain traction, leaders within organizations must consider several questions before making any decisions. Firstly, what organizational measures will be put in place to ensure productivity is not affected? How will the organization run with one less day of work? Secondly, are there any legal concerns that may arise from making such a change?

Furthermore, it is essential to consider how employee happiness and satisfaction will be impacted by this change. Will they have more time to pursue personal interests and achieve a better work-life balance? And most importantly, how will this impact client satisfaction? Ultimately, the decision to transition to a 4-day work week includes outcomes that hope won't change or harm employee well-being or client satisfaction.

Testing the Waters: The Benefits of Running a Pilot Program


Pilot programs are a great way to test the waters before fully implementing a new idea like a 4 day work week. This pilot stage can help you identify any potential issues that may arise during full-scale implementation, and it gives you time to come up with solutions to these problems. Remember, the goal isn't to make reduced work hours mandatory for everyone just yet; it's about testing out the idea and seeing how people react.

Some questions we've had about implementing a 4 day work week include whether or not team activities will be affected, if time problems will arise, and how people will feel safe knowing they have less time in the office. However, running a pilot program can help address these concerns by allowing us to see what works and what doesn't. For example, we could try implementing a reduced work schedule for just one or two teams to start with and see how it affects their productivity levels.

One essential ingredient for a successful pilot is trust. People need to feel safe sharing their thoughts and opinions on the matter so that we can make good decisions based on their feedback. Offering small perks like "cake Fridays" or team-building activities can also help boost morale during this time of change. Ultimately, running a successful pilot program is all about gathering information and using that information to create full-scale solutions that benefit everyone involved in the long run!

Evaluating the Pilot: An Important Step in the Process

Yellow geometric staircase in contemporary apartment
Credit:, Yellow geometric staircase in contemporary apartment

After implementing a 4 day work week, it is important to evaluate its success. Quantitative metrics such as sales teams' deals created, conversion rates, and average closing times can provide insight into the impact of the new work schedule. However, it's also crucial to monitor subjective areas like employee well-being qualitatively through group interviews and more-formalized job satisfaction surveys. Identifying trends in self-reported levels of stress and work-life balance can help gauge whether or not the four-day workweek has improved employees' experiences.

During the pilot, collecting data on relevant metrics is essential. For example, keeping track of fewer sick days taken by employees can be an indicator of how they felt about their new schedule. It's important to make sense of this data as well as any external content such as online posts or conducting 360-degree reviews to get a complete picture. Additionally, finding ways to reduce individual workloads should be considered to avoid people sacrificing breaks and rushing to finish tasks within a clock-longer mentality.

Analysis should be conducted using an analysis wheel that considers various factors before making any decisions based on numerical findings alone. Numerous white papers reports and case studies have shown that cutting meetings, taking fewer breaks or overtime and working faster are common reasons for employees feeling overwhelmed with their job demands; hence reducing these can benefit both employees' personal life quantitatively as well as company productivity overall. It's only through careful evaluation that we can ensure that a four-day workweek is beneficial for all parties involved – including employers, managers and employees alike.

Boost Productivity by Ensuring Employee Happiness


Implementing a shortened work week, also known as the four-day work week, has become a popular trend in increasing employee happiness and productivity. A clear benefit of this system is that with fewer hours spent at work, employees have more time to focus on their personal lives. This translates to improved work-life balance, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and better overall well-being.

Studies have shown that when given the option for a four-day work week, opposite employees worked fewer hours but had an increase in their work output. The reason behind this phenomenon is simple: happier employees tend to be more productive. In fact, studies show that employees reported high levels of satisfaction with their personal lives and even found themselves having more time to spend with family and friends. By prioritizing work-life balance, companies can also reap the benefits of high production while keeping operational costs low.

The four-day work week can produce greater productivity by ensuring employee happiness. It provides an opportunity for people to enjoy a better quality of life outside the office walls. When employees feel fulfilled in their personal lives, it positively impacts their attitude towards work as well. Therefore, investing in a healthy work-life balance may ultimately result in higher job satisfaction and boosted productivity levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the four-day workweek realistic?

Yes, the four-day workweek is realistic and has been successfully implemented by companies around the world. It can increase employee productivity, job satisfaction, and work-life balance.

Is Kickstarter experimenting with a four-day workweek?

Yes, Kickstarter is currently experimenting with a four-day workweek for their employees to improve work-life balance and productivity.

How do you set up a four-day workweek?

To set up a four-day workweek, start by assessing your company's needs and employee preferences. Consider adjusting workloads and schedules, communicating with clients and stakeholders, and testing the new schedule before implementing it permanently.

Is the four-day workweek the new normal?

No, the four-day workweek is not yet the new normal. While some companies have implemented it successfully, it is still not widely adopted and remains a topic of debate in many industries.

Is the four-day work week a good idea for part-time employees?

A four-day work week can be a great idea for part-time employees. It allows them to have an extra day off and potentially improve work-life balance, but it ultimately depends on the individual's needs and the company's policies.

Elnora Fratini


Elnora Fratini is a writer who has a passion for exploring new ideas and sharing them with others. She is deeply committed to personal growth and self-improvement, and her writing reflects this focus. Elnora's work ranges from thoughtful essays on social issues to practical advice on health and wellness.